Dal cotto per pavimenti fino agli arredi in cotto - Fornace Pesci S.p.a.

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A families story
Since the beginning of 19th century the family Pesci lived in the binding of terracotta, times when all things were hand made: terracottta bricks, terracotta tiles and floors. Their genuine inheritance is based on special knowledge to work with traditional terracotta of Florence. A craftmen's heritance, which today stands for a producing company, including 20 employees and distribution in various european countries. Their collection includes terracotta for the outsides, floors and interior decoration- solution's exhibition on high level of style and fascination.
Imagination meets perfection. So, the beauty comes to birth. Any application of this special rose-shaded terracotta, typically pesci is able to transform every building with its unique endowment. A material based on high aesthetic and functional services, which flatters environment and looking, able to raise structures and roominess from the classic sumptuousness to contemporary essentiality. It could be a country-house, a building in the city, a villa or an appartment: in any case the authentic choice to use this terracotta for floors or coverings adds always a special value. This is the particularity of pesci's terracotta: made as times ago, but suitable in a perfect way to all buidlings today.
Fornace Pesci S.p.a. - P.IVA 01089300485
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