Il cotto - rivestimenti in cotto, pavimentazioni in cotto ed oggettistica in cotto

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A mixture of craftmen's tradition
and tuscan beauty
The Pesci's terracotta, the unique result of union: earth, air and fire of Impruneta (FI). The clay galestro, antique material as just the tuscany, a caracteristic symbol. Earth worked by artisan knowledge is coming to floors material or coverings with its typical rose-shade and more than thousand nuances is the authentic trade-mark of Fornace Pesci , the real terracotta of impruneta. In this way starts cotto Pesci Impruneta becoming the beauty of coverings, floors and even valuables articels in terracotta.
Fire comes to give live the style. Since four generations they are specialized in antique terracotta: a forging (moulding) story based on the fire of kilns from the beginning of the 19th century until today.
The authentic air of tuscany. The universal home of beauty is the tuscany and terracotta of Impruneta makes part of it.
Earth the only base. The malleable clay of Impruneta, named galestro stands for the material of Pesci's special cotto.
The water combines story and future. Cotto for outsides and floors, lasting by time: nature-proofed and irresistibly beauty.
Fornace Pesci S.p.a. - P.IVA 01089300485
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